Thursday, July 5, 2012

Arctic Tour

So the morning of what became my treacherous trip back to Fairbanks was actually really cool. Deadhorse is not actually on the Arctic Ocean, but is as far north as you're allowed to go. So I paid $49 to take a shuttle to the Arctic Ocean, which also included a tour of the oil field operations, which was pretty fascinating. Apparently there's enough oil in this current oil field to keep producing for the next 50 years. I was relieved to hear that.
Oil Stuff

In the Arctic Ocean



  1. Thank god. I've been so concerned about Peak Oil, now i can put that to rest for another 50 years. I do have a new concern now that i call "Peak Andy", now that the Alaskan Summit-Max Ass Pain has been reached, what now? Is it merely a slow decent into Blogspot zombie land? The much ballyhooed Mayan 404 Apocalypse?

    1. LOL. I think I'll use 'What Now' as the title for my next post. Blogspot zombie land sounds like a job for the Sportsmobile!


  2. Great pic of you in the Arctic Ocean!
