Saturday, July 7, 2012

So Now What?

Sell the Sportsmobile, that's the next mission. Although not as exciting as the ride from Key West, it will likely be more difficult for me. There is a LOT of crap in there I've stockpiled over the years in preparation for the zombie apocalypse, and sorting out and making decisions about large amounts of my own stuff freaks me out and overwhelms me.

Amazingly though, after 2 years of storage and severe winters in Alaska, it started right up on the first try. It was stored on my friends Don and Tina's land:



Together Again

There's a lot of work ahead of me to get it in decent shape to sell it. Apparently I was in a hurry to leave AK in 2010 because here's the state I left it in:

Alright this blog isn't exactly linear--today and yesterday I worked on the van and got it looking a little better:
Still another couple of days of work; it's been to Burning Man 5 times so has a lot of playa dust built up.

Here's a short vid:


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Great post and video! Have a great summer in AK! The photo opps up there must be incredible. ~Holly T.
