Wednesday, August 1, 2012

No Luck Selling the Van

Well, it's August 1st and I still have the van. I had hoped it would sell by the first of August so I'd have a month to get home. I'm not really getting any interest even, and I don't think it's the price as much as it's a niche market. I've got it on eBay and craigslist and the Sportsmobile forum. I'd like to leave it on a park and sell lot, but since I'm living in it I'd have to move into my tent, and I'm not crazy about that idea, mainly because it rains a lot.

Some have suggested I advertise in other cities and tow my motorcycle. The main problem with that is that a motorcycle trailer costs about $1,000, it only gets 13 mpg, and I really don't want to drive the van down to the lower 48 when I could be making that drive on the motorcycle. Still, I guess I'll advertise in some other cities anyway.

Today I'm going to visit an RV place that might buy it or let me put it on their lot. If anyone has any out of the box ideas I'd love to hear them.

Rode the Mica Zipline yesterday. I need to get rid of that belly. You may recognize my zipline guide Abra as the shotgun toting flower girl in my previous post.

1 comment:

  1. Did they use a hook to stop you at the bottom? Looks like a good time.
